When the Court confirmed the formation of a Working Group in order to petition for a Royal Charter in late 2017 there was little information or understanding of the process. The then Master, Dr. Roger Watson, PM Sir David Wootton, Liveryman Alex Gerver and Liveryman Stuart Robbens as Chairman formed the working Group. As there was little guidance available with regard to the process, Sir David Wootton suggested that Keith Lawrey, with whom he was aquainted and who had assisted a number of other Companies to obtain their Charters, be approached to assist. The Chairman met Keith Lawrey who agreed to join the Working Group and assist with the Company’s petition for a Royal Charter pro bono. In spite of his own busy schedule Keith gave freely of his time and was able, not only to give guidance on the process but, as a basis from which to draft the Fletchers documents, to provide a model form of Charter and ByLaws that he and Alexander Galloway had developed some years previously. Throughout the several stages of the process over a period of more than four years, Keith freely gave of his knowledge and through his own contacts at the Court of Aldermen and the Privy Council Office, helped to smooth the path of the Company’s Petition. The Company will forever remain indebted to Keith for his assistance in the granting of a Charter to the Worshipful Company of Fletchers.