HMS DEFENDER – Generous hosts again!

Once again, a lucky group of Fletchers has been welcomed to a very special visit and tour of “our ship” HMS DEFENDER.  This was an exclusive visit for a select band of just 14 Fletchers following a generous invitation given by the CO, Cdr George Storton, at the Court Lunch in June.  The visit was brilliantly organised by the Executive Officer, Lt Cdr Ben Dorrington who gave up the whole afternoon of his busy schedule to host us.  He was ably assisted throughout by the ship’s Fighter Control Officer, Lt Alex Slatter, who also happens to be the godson of one of our Worshipful Company members - Past Master Andrew McMillan. 

The visit started with an intriguing personal insight to the intricacies of command revealed by the CO during a wide-ranging Question and Answer session.  This was followed by a very comprehensive tour of the ship for over 2 hours.  Not only was it fascinating to see the equipment and learn about the extraordinary technology behind the ship’s impressive capability, it was also equally fascinating to meet the young sailors of today and find how out hugely knowledgeable and cheery they all were!  Their pride in being part of DEFENDER’s ships company just shone through! 

The visit was summed up perfectly by our senior member, Liveryman Guy Kingsbury, who did his national service in the Royal Navy many years ago.  He wrote after the visit: “Personally I am lost for words when I compare the technology today and what I had in HMS PLOVER in 1957 and later in LOCH FADA.  The welcome and hospitality we received in the wardroom and by the crew was special, even when we got in the way!”

Indeed, it was a special privilege for us all.

TJE  August 2022