International Women's Day

The WCF was delighted to see its Clerk, Col. Debs Taylor, at a special event of the Royal Logistics Corps Foundation held on 9 March  to celebrate International Women’s Day 2023. 

The event had 6 presenters who were either Regular Army, Army Reserve, retired Army and now in industry, as well as civilian women who gave a series of talks on the successes and challenges of their careers. The day ended with a question and answer panel session.  Debs represented the Army Reserve contingent and spoke about both her military and civilian career, including the similarities and transferable skills found when becoming the Clerk to a Livery Company.     

The Royal Logistic Corps Foundation was established in 2015 by the The Royal Logistic Corps with the purpose of promoting professional excellence within the Corps, with an emphasis on creating strong professional relationships with organisations from the wider logistics community in industry, academia, professional bodies and the professional media. It is part of the RLC Association Trust, a registered charity.  



Last modified on Friday, 10 March 2023 15:50