Lewisham Air Cadets Illuminated Manuscript

The Fletchers have been closely associated with 1921 (Lewisham) Squadron of the Air Training Corps since early 2008.  Liverymen regularly attend many of the squadron’s events and, since 2014, the Master Fletcher has made an award of a silver prize arrow to the cadet who has best displayed the virtues of the Fletchers’ motto “True and Sure” throughout the year.  The cadets regularly support Fletchers’ events by providing formal carpet guards for livery dinners.  In 2012 they marched with the Company in The Lord Mayor’s parade when Past Master Fletcher Sir David Wotton was elected Lord Mayor.

1921 (Lewisham) Squadron is very active and regularly excels in London ATC Wing competitions.  They have an excellent record for bringing on their youngsters and achieving promotions to the highest cadet ranks by the age of 18.  Lewisham is the only squadron in the country in the past 10 years to have had three cadets awarded flying scholarships in a single year.

In recognition of this longstanding friendship and cooperation, in December 2016 the Fletchers and 1921 Squadron became formally affiliated, marked by an exchange of illuminated manuscripts, as shown in the photo above.