Beadle's Staff

The Beadle, sometimes perceived as a Master of Ceremonies ensures the smooth running of events, as well as playing a part at Freedom admission and Livery clothing ceremonies.  A good Beadle is much valued by the Clerk and Master.

The Beadle carries a staff at ceremonial functions of the Worshipful Company of Fletchers, preceding the Master and Court in processions at events such as dinners, banquets, and church services.  The upper part of the Beadle’s staff is matted and chased with four acanthus leaves, supporting an upright flat oval badge made in  two halves, and chased with the arms of the Company with plumed mantling; all within a gilt wreath surround and topped with an angel carrying a bundle of arrows.  The staff was first referred to in 1780 in the Company’s accounts, and the lower part, of tapering shape records:  “Repaired by order of the Court 22nd July 1826 Edward Tewart, Joseph Panrucker Wardens”.  In 2019, the staff underwent further repairs by the Master, Roger Watson and his wife June, who also created a bag for transporting the staff around the City, from sail cloth.  It remains the Company’s most valuable item.

The earliest record of a Beadle was George Wightman – he was present at the first recorded Wardens’ election on 13th October 1770. 

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