Song 2

Song written for the Quarterly Meeting of the Court of the Worshipful Company of Fletchers on St. George’s Day, April 23rd.

TUNE – “A Cobler there was.


THE day of Saint George every Briton inspire,

From the Prince to the peasant this Saint they admire;

And the Fletchers they say for some centuries past,

Have shew’d their respect by a hearty repast,

Derry down, &c.


Soon the beauties of Spring may we live to enjoy,

In a round of true friendship that never can cloy;

Our Wardens’ kind summons with pleasure obey,

And at PEACOCK’s enjoy the good things of the day.

Derry down, &c.


In this Saint every brother will find a true friend,

With his kind assistance each pleasure may blend,

The joys of the town, and the country may share,

While he does remain, will have no cause for care.

Derry down, &c.


His picture the young and the old much admire,

It can gratify every youthful desire;

By some he’s confin’d and most sadly opprest,

By giving him liberty many are blest.

Derry down, &c.


On all parts of our island his friendship they court,

Without his assistance can give little sport;

May each brother Fletcher this maxim pursue,

For their comfort and ease keep his Sovereign in view.

Derry down, &c.
