The Fletchers' Trust supported Victoria with a grant for a second bow in 2019 and were delighted to hear how it has helped with her preparations towards Tokyo 2020.
"...I wanted to let you know that I have now received the Mathews Avail compound bow that The Worshipful Company of Fletchers Trust generously provided funding towards and have recently been using it at the Fazza Championships in Dubai.
It felt a little greedy to seek funding for a ‘spare’ bow but for international competitions this is crucial. The last thing anyone wants is to arrive at a tournament to discover that their bow has been irreparably damaged in transit or to get to a final, have an equipment failure and be unable to finish the match.
I previously used a teammate’s ‘beginner’ bow as my spare but the bow was far from ideal as it was the wrong size and style for me, making it impossible to get an anchor point - I even had to aim above the target in order to reach my W1 target distance of 50m!
Having two identical bows, I now feel complete peace of mind that should anything happen to one bow, I have an identical one that is ready to shoot without adding any extra stress to an already stressful situation. Without the funding provided by The Fletchers, I would not have been in a position to make this purchase, so thank you.
Best wishes
Victoria Kingstone
GB Para-Archer"